GT-750F GPS Welcome.
This page has been created for all those people that are using GT-750F GPS device with GPS Photo tagger and/or are having trouble with it, like the latest error for v1.2.3 users...

''Google has disabled use of the Maps API for this application. The provided key is not valid Google API Key, or ist is not authorized for the Google Maps Javascript API v2 on this site.''

More about the GT-750F bluetooth GPS receiver
This receiver has a sleek design and a good look thanks to its small form factor and high quality materials used. The GT-750F is bluetooth 2.0 compliant making sure it’ll pair up effortlessly with your PDA or smartphone.

It can track 44 satellites in view and uses Venus520 GPS receiver which provide short start-up time and fast signal acquisition. Venus 5 series is quite sensitive; enabling to device get a fix at -155dBm and continue tracking at -158dBm. This small GPS receiver measures 73x44x21 mm in size but was still able to fit a Li-Ion battery which can provide more than 13 hours of operation.

If you want drivers, software or get google API error’s, download v1.2.4 at canmore website and use your key from gps photo tagger v1.2.3…..

Update 2018-10-23
We will update soon and iclude the latest drivers and software for this device, as canmore website seems to be gone.

You can check at Canmore dowwnloads but i recommend NOT to visit, as it shows error, and main page only has links to casino etc...